Data Analytics


I hold a Master’s degree in Data Analytics Engineering from George Mason Universit and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems from Taibah University. Over the years, I have successfully completed several projects and authored research papers. To make them easily accessible beyond my computer, I created this page. I truly hope that you find valuable content here, especially if you are in the same field. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you come across something you believe is worth discussing. I hope you find Data Analytics interesting.

Projects & Articles

Common Crawl Open Data

Common Crawl is a non-profit organization headquartered in California that

MapReduce and Spark

MapReduce is one of the main components in the Hadoop

Amazon Recommendation System Case Study

Amazon is a famous American company founded on July 5,

Big data use cases

Facebook uses the recommend system to suggest friends, show products

NoSQL Database

Why do some organizations need to move to NoSQL? Technology

Critique Charts

Visualizations are now more popular than before. These days the


Is there an "authority" on the exact meaning of "Big

Hadoop and NoSQL

While technology is changing every day, the data sources and

Descriptive Analysis for Car Accidents in Washington D.C

The descriptive analysis could be used to find the trends

Hadoop ecosystem

Nowadays, the need for a system that can handle a